Dedicated to the memory of Clarissa Slade

Cllr. Clarissa Elizabeth Louise Slade

Colin and Elizabeth Slade would like to offer sincere thanks to everyone who has sent flowers, cards,  messages and donations following the tragic death of their beloved daughter Clarissa. We have been so overwhelmed and humbled with the wonderful messages from far and wide. 
Thanks also to all who attended her funeral at Blundell’s Chapel, to Rev Tim Hunt and Rev Peter Daw for such a memorable service, and to Andrew Barlow, Becky Brinkley and Jess Atkins for the music.
Special thanks to Damon Campbell and the team at Countryside Funerals for their first class service and support throughout.
Donations to go to charities working to improve mental health in young adults have now exceeded £1250, but are still being accepted at (please use the link on this page)
Please forgive us if we cannot thank everyone individually , but your thoughts and support are much appreciated.

RIP Clarissa.


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Clarissa was always the most caring and thoughtful sister and auntie. The distance prevented us from seeing each other as often as we would have liked but the times we were able to spend together we cherished. She was always so excited to see her nephew and niece and loved to hear how they were getting on. It is sad that Elisabeth won't have any of her own memories of her Auntie Clarissa but we have the most wonderful picture of them together taken when Elisabeth was only a day old and we will always treasure that. Noah likes to talk about his Auntie Clarissa and look at pictures of them together. I look forward to going through the photos in the loft to find ones from when she was younger to show him.
25th March 2019
I had the joy of knowing Clarissa at school, and spent a lot of evenings and afternoons with her in the boarding house and at house events. She was always so selfless, i remember when she volunteered to run the 1600m for athletics. She wasn't the fastest runner and did come last, but what was so admirable, was she was willing to do what everyone else didn't want to do or was afraid to do. She was willing to volunteer herself when no one else was willing no matter whether she wanted to or not. Her friends were important to her and she knew how to be there for people. She would always put a smile on our faces when she would buy all her friends roses for Valentine's day, And send cards for Christmas. She sometimes struggled with people and relating to them, but most people wouldn't have known because she made such an effort to be there for people. She will be missed greatly, and I am thankful for the time I was able to spend with her.
14th April 2018
Clarissa was a wonderfully positive person who saw the best in everything. She really showed great bravery and courage in tackling the challenges she faced and I am sure she had a very bright future ahead of her. She thought always of ways in which she could serve others and she was gracious and self-effacing in that way. We shall all really miss her and her loss is felt keenly by everyone that knew her.
9th April 2018